Thursday, June 4, 2009

A little bit outrageous..

Dr. Tiller was shot down in his own church on Sunday, a soldier was shot and killed and another wounded on Monday at a military recruiting center. Both shooters are considered domestic terrorists, the man who shot Dr. Tiller had been a member of an extreme right-wing group who did not approve of the work done by Dr. Tiller (late-term abortion doctor) and the 23 year old who shot the soldier was a Muslim convert who held ill feelings about the war. Both acts are equally reprehensible but the media did not play it out that way and neither did the administration.

On Sunday upon finding out about Dr. Tiller’s death, Obama released a statement:

“I am SHOCKED AND OUTRAGED by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence

The next statement, about the death of the soldier which happened on Monday, finally got released on Wednesday evening…why did it take so long?:

“I am DEEPLY SADDENED by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.”

The media continuously pointed out the shooter in the death of the doctor as right-wing but yet with the little coverage the soldiers death got, they would rarely mention the shooters name Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, which he changed from Carlos Bledsoe when he converted to Islam.

Could this be the media playing down any notion that would reflect negatively on Muslims before President Obama began his trip late Tuesday night, his Tour de Apologia to the Middle East? It is an honest question that should be considered. Media bias strikes again but that is not the real question that concerns me…


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