Monday, October 12, 2009

The Climate Tax from 7/1/2009

With wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the North Koreans provoking the
world, and the instabilities in Iran, the biggest threat to the United
States is CARBON DIOXIDE. We should thank Al Gore for his wonderful
advertising campaign, An Inconvenient Truth, for convincing the world
that CO2 is killing the Earth. With the ice caps on the brink of
melting and polar bears running out of ice to play on, we are in
trouble. The land masses of our planet will be overrun with water and
millions of people will drown. I suggest you buy a boat, or if you are
Al Gore and worry about the emission of CO2, buy a private jet, a
yacht and live in a mansion that uses enough electricity in a month to
power 10 average american households. Hypocrisy.

Al Gore sat in Tennessee and made phone call after phone call to
members of congress, trying to convince them to vote for the Cap and
trade bill on June 26th. Even with the firepower of Al Gore, Nancy
Pelosi, and with huge support from the Obama Administration, the bill
barely squeaked through the finish line to be passed. The vote was
219-212. 44 Democrats voted against it but sadly, 8 Republicans voted
for it, helping to push it through.

We live in the state of Texas, where oil and natural gas are abundant,
domestic resources that can be used to produce energy. Off our shores
there are massive amounts of resources to be used. If the problem is
with our importing of foreign sources, we can fill that void with the
use of domestic sources as mentioned and also nuclear energy. The
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 is said to be about
jobs and moving America away from CO2 emitting forms of energy. It
truly is a noble cause but based upon lies.

During the campaign, both John McCain and Barack Obama touted the
creation of green collar jobs in the renewable energies sector. The
question is how does that effect the current jobs held by
non-renewable energy sector employees? The answer, greatly. Many
different studies have shown that this bill will cost over a million
jobs due to the inability for some firms to operate in the new
business climate that this “Climate” bill creates and a number of jobs
will be lost as the carbon caps hamper refineries and coal plants. All
this in the name of the “global climate crisis”.

I do not want to rant about questioning the science of “global
warming” when the other half of the scientific field disagree with
their findings, but we should not allow unproven science be the basis
for legislation that will effect all Americans.

Thank you House of Representatives for creating jobs in China and
India because with this legislation, employers will be forced to close
shop in America and go to places that will not hinder their
productivity. Until there is agreed participation by the rest of the
world’s industrial powers, this legislation should not be voted on by
the Senate.

Article as written in The Shorthorn

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