Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am thankful for my family and friends, thankful for this great state, thankful for this great country. Thankful for the men and women of the military who continue to defend the freedoms that we were founded upon, understanding the sacrifice, and protecting our way of life.

I am thankful for those who I have been able to call my family and friends who I have lost over the past year for being allowed to know them and have them in my life, Mike Player, my great-grandmother Maw Bradford, and my Uncle James Riley.

I am also thankful for the life I have been given, for all those whom I have crossed paths with. I am thankful for the many blessing God has bestowed on my life and my family, but I think what I am most thankful for, is the swell job that President Obama is doing.

By waiting two months to formulate a position on Afghanistan while over 120 troops in Afghanistan were killed in combat, for the Healthcare that he and other Democrats in Congress are proposing that will only help to spiral us into further debt and destroy the concept of choice in medicine, I am thankful for President Obama’s continuing Tour de Apologia, apologizing for the many evils our country has purported over the years while we are the country to first come to the rescue in the third world with humanitarian aid. The country that has looked down the likes of Hitler and spilled American blood on foreign battle fields to protect our friends and allies. Freeing those from tyranny and oppression in the ideals that all people deserve to know freedom and the power it possesses for the individual.

Honestly thankful for President George W. Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rice and others who exhibited great pride in our country and who were not afraid to do what was necessary to protect us.

I am thankful for America, our people, our values, our principles, and what we have stood for since our founding, and I say that with the utmost pride and without apology.

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