Friday, February 6, 2009

Brief Tribute to Ronald Reagan

Today is the day that many conservatives are celebrating what would be the 98th birthday of our 40th President, Ronald Reagan. Most of us know the history of the man, his accomplishments, and what he meant to us. A man who was talking straight-talk long before it became a brand for a presidential campaign. A man who went from being a Democrat to a Republican, when asked why he left the democrat party, he responded “I did not leave the Democratic party. The party left me.”

A man who became the face of conservatism who many say Barry Goldwater’s failed Presidential Bid in 1964 was fulfilled in 1980. Many were around to remember the presidency of his predecessor, Jimmy Carter. Inflation was sky-rocketing, interest rates were over 17% and the economy was beginning to spiral downward. “Are you better off now than you were four years ago…” was the question that Ronald Reagan asked that helped him to seal the deal with the American people. He is attributed with getting the top tax bracket lowered to 28% which more than doubled the revenues of the United States. The economy was on the rise.

With the aid of Prime Minister Thatcher and a change in foreign policy, President Reagan also helped to bring down the Soviet Empire. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” and not long after, the iron curtain was pulled away. There were also rough times with the Iran-Contra affair and the escalation of the national debt which many like to point out, but some forget that it was a Democratic Congress which allowed the spending to get out of hand.

Today, we are in similar turbulent times and I just wish that our new President will remember what history has taught us, what has worked in the past, and especially, remember the man whom helped to deliver the United States from a deep recession to a time of economic growth.

God Bless you Ronald Reagan.

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