Thursday, February 5, 2009

What is going on?

Two weeks into the Presidency of repeating his campaign rhetoric and many Democrats are already in retreat and looking to attach themselves, possibly, to the GOP plan. Interesting right? Check out the article in today's Wall Street Journal 

Last night they held the annual Washington Press Club Foundation dinner, or what it is often known as, a roast. Nancy Pelosi pointed out that President Obama's e-mail address is "IAMALLEARS@WHITEHOUSE.GOV," she  got a few laughs. Then Senator Klobuchar from Minnesota took the stage poking fun at Joe Biden, and made a punch at the GOP House member who was there also to speak, Rep. McCarthy. She said she was surprised he accepted the invitation because nowadays the GOP is saying "No" to everything, a stab at the GOP vote against the stimulus package last week. And then Rep. McCarthy made it up to the podium and I think stole the night with his "I am starting to believe that Obama may be the Messiah when he picked Joe Biden to be his running mate. The Bible does say that he will ride into town on an ass." If that isn't great then I do not know what is. He also poked fun at Rep. Cantor who was originally supposed to give a speech,  who he said was the only jew in the GOP caucus and was on his way to Gaza strip where he would feel more welcome. It was really a good speech, Nancy Pelosi did not get as many laughs and neither did the Minnesota Senator.

Other than that, Daschle resigned because this "limousine liberal" who didn't pay taxes on the gift of a car and driver for the past few years, over $140,000, decided he didn't want to bring anymore negative attention to the Obama administration. Also another nominee rescinded her nomination because of back taxes. With as much as Democrats talk about raising taxes, we now know why, because no matter how high they are, they don't pay them!

The stimulus package is still being debated, the Senate bill is even more inflated than the original House bill. Obama was out today letting people know that with his election, the old ways were rejected, basically taking a shot at Republicans who say that Tax cuts would spur the economy. For more info, read the Rove Article that was mentioned before.


Self-Imposed Deadline for Stimulus
Holder to Mete Out Racial Justice:
Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast:
The Audacity of Panic:
Kristol "Post Partisan"
Graham Says Obama Is 'AWOL' on Stimulus Debate:

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