Friday, February 6, 2009


Friday afternoon, President Obama met with the families of some of the 9/11 victims and also families from the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000. I am glad that he met with them, and I am glad that he let it be leaked to the press (sarcasm). Do you know how many different families of soldiers who had been killed in the line of duty that President Bush met with over the past 7 years? Always closed from the press and very seldom even mentioned. Love him or hate him, President Bush did not let his Presidency become just a massive PR stunt like the Obama campaign was for almost two years and out of the starting gate, seems like it will continue to be.

On a different note, this past week it became known that the Obama campaign has been talking with Syria and Iran since November, after the election. Does that send the wrong signal to you about President Obama insisting that there is only one President at a time? Hypocrisy… not surprised by it though.

Back to the meeting with the victim’s families. I would like to think that it was meant to be a very sentimental moment to let the families know that the deaths of their loved ones would not be in vain. That they will not be forgotten as they ever should be. I still remember that whole day, watching the TV replay what would be come known as the worst attack on American soil. Who did this? That was the reaction after the shock of the event. We went to war in Afghanistan to fight the enemy that planned this horrible act, and then we took on terrorism when we went into Iraq. Guantanamo Bay became a bad word because that is where many of those who were suspected of terrorist acts were shipped to, to be interrogated to find out what they knew so they could possibly aid us with information to keep another attack from happening.

I do not know what happened in “Gitmo” nor do I care because the very men who helped to plot the attacks against America were not in a position to cause anymore harm to us. That is justice. Not anymore though. Guantanamo will be closed within a year, per an Executive Order signed by President Obama, military tribunals have been ceased to give the Obama administration time to review these cases to figure out what to do with these men. Let them face trial in U.S. courts or send them back home. One of the men suspected of plotting the bombing on the USS Cole was Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, it was announced today that his case would be closed. Since President Obama decided to suspend Military Tribunals and one of the Tribunal judges had went ahead, against Obama’s orders, to try this man who had admitted through aggressive interrogation that he had in fact been involved in the plot that killed 17 sailors, another judge overruled the Tribunal judge.

For Obama to face those families, to look them in the eye and not be able to tell them that these guys may go free or better than that, come to a U.S. prison, I feel the slap in the face that these families must be feeling. Complete and utter disregard for their feelings that there is a chance that someone who is possibly responsible for the death of a member of their family may get to go back to their country and not face anything, that’s heartbreak. About 10% of the men released from Guantanamo have gone back to their home country to join in the fight against America. But, better than that, to think that if any of these guys come back here for their day in court, where they receive the same rights as you and I, someone not a citizen who harbors ill-feelings towards America and Americans, that makes it even worse. These men could go free anyways.

Thank you Mr. President, your show of patriotism reveals much about your character. 

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