Friday, January 30, 2009

Oval Office Respect?

Pete Souza/White House

President Obama has apparently relaxed the dress code a bit since becoming President. When George W. Bush was President, he never allowed anyone to enter the oval office without a suit and tie out of respect for the office that has been held by many respectable Commander in Chief’s… but I guess what can we expect seeing as though the last Democratic President occasionally didn’t wear pants in the oval office.. there is a joke there so read into it.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Republican backbone.

The Obama stimulus plan passed the House today with a 244-188 vote. The Republicans led by Rep. Boehner stood strong and all Republicans voted against it with another 11 Democrats voting against it. “Signs of life in the Republican party,” said Laura Ingram tonight on “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren”. I am already hearing the arguments though from the Pro-Obama media who are blaming the Republicans for not putting forth an effort of bi-partisanship. Did they miss something? Obama dismissed putting more tax cuts in the bill made by the GOP leaders, the insistence on the remarks made by the Congressional Budget Office that the stimulus package as it is, only 10% of it will be seen or dispensed in the next few months. Why vote for a stimulus that will not stimulate the economy now when supposedly it is most needed?

But, Barack has spoken, and the Democrats and media have fallen into step like loyal soldiers to do the will of the President, and we get to deal with the consequences whether we are for it or against it.


At least that is the consensus by the congressional Democrats and President Obama when he spoke to the Republicans on Friday. He warned “You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," this was said in the same meeting as the “I won” comment. With Obama’s comment and the congressional reaction to the President’s words, do you think that we are just one step closer to the fairness doctrine? 

Keep on trucking Rush, you know you are getting under their skin and doing something right when they talk bad about you.


Congressman Carter from my great state of Texas is proposing legislation that will eliminate all IRS penalties and interest. Good idea right? This is all based on the great Democrat Charles Rangel from New York. It is reported that he did not pay any penalties or interest in 2008 for over $10,000 that he owed in back taxes. Congressman Carter said that Rangel’s constituents should receive the same benefits that he get as a member of congress. “You shouldn’t be treated any differently under the law than your citizens back home,” Carter was quoted as saying.

I am glad that a Texas congressman is bringing to light this hypocrisy, but it will not get the publicity it needs. We have a Treasury Secretary who is a tax cheat; he got away with paying little in penalties or interest on taxes owed from over 5 years ago, people tried to bring up the fallacy in his actions but even Republicans were saying it was only a trivial matter. I hope that my fellow Texan succeeds. Although, not in passing this legislation because what will the IRS do when no one pays their taxes on time and the U.S. Treasury is empty to pay for this great stimulus that our country needs (sarcasm), I hope it brings to light the idea of a double standard when it is the citizens who have to pay penalties and interest and the congressman and Treasury Secretary who do not. Since we are the ones who are already paying their salaries and they have the audacity to get further special treatment…To take a phrase from my friend Donald Trump—Charlie Rangel and Tim Geithner: YOU’RE FIRED!

Monday, January 26, 2009

A few good things. Just politics?

“Tax-cuts as an act of bipartisanship,” what happened to cutting taxes for 95% of American families? Sen. Schumer made sure that he let the Sunday talk shows know that it was only through compromise with the Republicans that the tax cut’s are in the Stimulus package. And actually, it was with a statement made with a bipartisan presence of leaders of both houses of congress where Republican leaders pleaded for less spending and to divert more of the stimulus to cutting taxes such as for business, where Obama reassured them that he was not going to compromise anymore for the tax cuts because, as it was quoted from Rep. Cantor, Obama said “I won,” which I guess means that since he was elected by 53% of the American people, his ideas matter more than what the other 47% of Americans believe to be an economic stimulator. To reassure what I heard from so many Hillary supporters during the primary season, he is arrogant.


Nancy Pelosi wants more funding for contraception because it will act as a means of prevention of healthcare issues…"The family planning services reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government," she said in an interview on Sunday on ABC's This Week. I guess since kids are so expensive for the state, the ones that depend on their healthcare from the government…. If we can give out contraception, keep certain people from having kids, then that will save the government money. Does that sound a little like another country? One where they let you have one kid… kind of like population control maybe? If you having a kid is going to cost the state or federal government more money then you should just not have that kid. If someone has a different take on what Nancy Pelosi said, please tell me because I really do not want to put words into her mouth, especially when her as a Roman Catholic is wanting to make sure everyone gets all the contraception they need. (i.e. Catholics are against any and all form of contraception with a slight deviation in extreme cases of AIDS).


Remember when Biden said that Vice President Cheney was the most dangerous Vice President in our history? Now he wants to make sure he is in on every meeting and is the last to leave the room, are you telling me he wants to have influence on policy? Trying now to see where he got off saying that Dick Cheney was the most dangerous VP? Vice President Cheney had some influence on policy; he was a confidant of President George W. Bush, not a co-president or shadow President as some have said. So Joe, please tell me the difference.


What else…


Today, Obama’s UN Ambassador came out and let it be known that direct diplomacy was still on the table with Iran. Didn’t he deny that there would be direct talks with Iran? Have it be known that it will not be Obama sitting across the table from Ahmadinjad, but we will talk to a nation who sends aid to Hamas and Hezbollah and even sends soldiers to fight against our troops in Iraq.


One last thing. They voted Geithner in today. Yes, we now have a Treasury Secretary who was a tax cheat, who only paid when the Obama vetting team let him know that it would be an issue, and he needed to pay. That is great. Now, the next time you think about paying your taxes, don’t do it. And when the IRS calls, tell them “Oops, I pulled a Geithner, sorry!” And Obama came out on Thursday and signed an Executive Order setting restrictions on lobbyists in his administration. Guess what? Obama is appointing a former lobbyist from Raytheon to deputy Secretary of Defense. You can’t make this stuff up.


President Obama, a great first week in office, I am sure by the end of your second week, we will be able to see all the ‘Change’ that you wanted to bring, and that 53% of Americans voted for… what about the other 47% of us?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration - My take.

A day after the Inauguration of our new President of the United States, Commander in Chief, and essentially, the Chief Executive of our nation, and “Change has come” (according to the new and improved White House website,

Can you feel it? All the new “hope” and all the “Change you can believe in”, trust me, it’s there.

Beginning his Inaugural address as follows, “My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors…” After many applause and references to our economic crisis and past economies, he say “…each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.” A slight shot at oil and our current dependence, a fair shot, but one question, we have oil here, can we not drill that and use our own resources at home? That can help buy us time to efficiently transfer to the renewable resources of solar, wind, geothermal, and others.

“We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories.” What happened to oil and coal? Not even clean coal—what’s up with that?

“On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.” A very low blow to the men, past Presidents sitting right there just 10 feet from him, especially President Bush whom he praised at the beginning of his speech, “I thank President Bush for his service to our nation...(APPLAUSE)... as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.” I get it, let’s praise the guy that I bashed for 19 months on the campaign trail, and now that I am elected President, I will just get a few more kicks in before he heads back to Texas. The purpose of the Inaugural address is meant to be a slight overview of policies and to uplift the nation, not just your base. I guess some people forget that there were over 50 million people who voted the other way…

“We will restore science to its rightful place…” With that statement, on a side note, today the Executive Order was signed by President Obama to roll back the order signed in 2001 by President George W. Bush that has come to be known as the “Mexico City Policy” or the "Global Gag Rule" involving funding international health facilities that provide abortions. Background: This was an order that originated with President Reagan, maintained with President George H. W. Bush, rescinded by President Clinton, and reissued in 2001, like I said earlier. The order as issued by President Reagan would deny or restrict funding to those facilities that gave abortions, a Pro-Life and Pro-Choice President’s just bounce this one back and forth as different ideologies take over the White House.

“The nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous.” I want to briefly discuss this hit at President Bush, or well, all Republicans and the fact that it is focusing on the supply-side economics that conservatives are a strong proponent for. It has always been a democratic argument that the Republicans favor the rich. When President Reagan cut the highest tax rate in the 80’s from 70% to 28%, which more than doubled the income-tax revenues… the government got more money, isn’t that the point of taxes in the first place? From my guess, it worked, and is still working today with the tax-cuts that President Bush proposed and passed in 2001 and 2003.

The statement that I most greatly admire and I know played well among the Republican and conservative circles,

“And for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that, "Our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken. You cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."

I think that explains itself.

My only problem with all that has happened in the last 48 hours, “I got 99 problems and a Bush ain’t one,” great wisdom from Jay-Z and also “I want to thank 2 people. I want to thank the m***** f***** overseas that threw 2 shoes at George Bush…and I want to thank the m***** f***** who helped them move their s*** out the White House” and then Young Jeezy made the statement “…No more white lies, my President is black.”

Interesting right? I think it is great that Barack Obama was supposed to bring everyone together. I have had many people talk down to me because I criticized a few things that President Obama had said in his speech. I was told “We all need to unite. Whether you wanted him to be president or not, he is. What is the point in being negative?” and that we should all come together to make this country a better place. Where was that attitude when President Bush was in office? Many people have came out and said that they do not appreciate criticism of President Obama but over the last eight years if we said that about President Bush, we would get blasted and degraded or called “narrow minded”. By no means, am I saying that I think the Democrats and liberals should get the same treatment from us because we should give President Obama a chance to govern and we will exercise our first amendment right when he decides to go against our core-ideals.

I am an American, and my President is an American, not looking at his skin color, I care about how he governs. 

And in honor of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Closing Prayer...divisive?

"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around — (laughter) — when yellow will be mellow — (laughter) — when the red man can get ahead, man — (laughter) — and when white will embrace what is right."

Closing prayer by Rev. Joseph Lowery at President Obama's Inauguration. 

Does any else find this divisive? I came across many minorities that found it increasingly offensive.

Michelle Malkin wrote a brief article about it:

Obama's First 100 Days

Obama's First 100 Days by Andrea Tantaros

The first 100 days of a presidency is a critical time for any commander in chief and will be no different for Barack Obama.

With sky high approval ratings, despite a nation still at war and facing an economic slow down, Obama will be under tremendous pressure to make good on his many campaign promises and his repeated insistence that change is here. In the first 100 days, perception — not policy — is everything.  If he can master the art of optics, he can win points from the public. Here's how:

1. Lower expectations. Obama's honeymoon will last longer than 100 days, and it will take much longer to accomplish what he needs to do, particularly on the economy, so the new president must be sure to fuse 'hope' with a measured, realistic  approach. Americans are tired of quick fix solutions that don't work, but they do want to see progress. That will come in smaller doses than Obama may want to dispense, so he must prepare Americans.

2. Embrace Republicans. I didn't say embrace their policies, just them. Folks want partisanship gone, at least for now.  While some hammer Obama for his centrism, and while it is true that many centrists politicians make me gag because they have no principles and they will change their mind at the drop of a poll, I think the presidency is different.  After a partisan political campaign, it is not unimportant symbolism for the president-elect to demonstrate that he considers himself president of the entire nation.  This presidential symbolism designed to unite the nation (which every president has vowed to do) is quite different than a finger-in-the-wind, centrist congressman.  If Obama makes a play to fold Republicans into the discussion he will rise above the binary political games  and make a good first step toward helping heal the country after a bitter election battle. This would also fulfill one of his campaign promises to be everyone's president not just the left who helped elect him. 
3. Play small ball. Obama should pick between 3 and 5 items that he is reasonably sure he can implement in his first 100 days and go after them. Even if it's part of a larger campaign, he and his team just need to make sure there's an end in sight. — Remember, if you name it, you own it.  For example, Obama should promise to meticulously manage congressional oversight when it comes to the final portion of TARP funds. If he can account for every dollar and credit markets begin to thaw, he can take credit. This kind of small, early victory builds momentum. 
Despite the suggestions and speculation, only Obama can set the tone for his tenure. Though so much remains uncertain, one thing is clear: starting Wednesday morning the world will be watching.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Some Reading

From Michelle Malkin over the Obama dinner with conservative columnists:


From TV’s Andy Levy


That is all I have for now, no original ideas today guys.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


All this talk of President Bush’s Legacy has me pondering a few things. What was the Clinton Legacy? “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, chubby sex with an intern, failed “Hillary-Care” healthcare reform, raising taxes, not paying down a deficit, chubby sex with an intern, signing some of the legislation that helped to create the financial mess we are in now, or was it having chubby sex with an intern? Oh wait, that’s right—he was the first “black President”.

I am glad the democrats are putting it to President Bush about his legacy because it won’t be nearly as good as President Clinton’s. (Sarcasm)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Taxpayer's Inauguration.

$150 million, seriously? This Obama inauguration is costing US, THE TAXPAYERS 150 MILLION DOLLARS. In 2004, President Bush’s inauguration cost a little more than $40 million and the media and democrats were going after him for being that high… but you know what, I had a junior in high school let me know that he thinks Obama should get his own holiday because he is the first black President… I said why? We’ve already got President’s Day.

What’s up with this meeting of Obama and some of the top conservative columnists in America? What is the motive for this? Trying to cause a rift amongst the conservatives? More on this in a few days.

That’s all I have for now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Two for Today.

I went to the funeral of a great woman today. Her name was Becky Barton, a strong, God-fearing woman who gave more to others than she ever received. If you needed prayer, she would pray for you. If you needed something tangible, she would do whatever she could to make sure that you got what you needed, even if it meant that she would pull money from her savings because she knew that by her faith in God, she would get by. The  pastor who officiated the service told those in attendance that everyone would have to work a lot harder just to make up for what the world lost in Becky.

I told my buddy who’s Aunt she was that he should feel a little bit better knowing that he had his Aunt Becky on his side up there with God, rooting for him.

God Bless you Aunt Becky.


It is going to be a long year for Pope Benedict but the only meeting that I am interested in is the meeting that could possibly happen when then President Obama will travel to Italy for the G-8 and plans to make a stop in Vatican City. Being the faithful Catholic that I am and having read many of the works of His Holiness, I know Pope Benedict will make time to visit with President Obama because he is a man that will listen to other views. I am sure tag-along Joe Biden will see if he can get in on the meeting if it happens because he is a Catholic, well, a Democrat Catholic putting party before God. Why am I saying this? Well, Pro-Choice. Stem cell research which was recently a focus of one of the most recent documents released by the Vatican, Dignitas Personae, and of course the big one, abortion which is mentioned in Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical Evengelium Vitae which reaffirmed Pope Paul VI’s stance taken by The Church on abortion as “unchanged and unchangeable” in regards to the sanctity of life. To only be a fly on the wall when that meeting happens.

I think there needs to be a new classification of Catholics during the political season, like I mentioned above, Democrat Catholics and Catholics, the one’s who put God before politics and rhetoric and those who put politics ahead of God. Well they already have a name for those who pick and choose what to believe from The Church, they are Cafeteria Catholics.

Here’s my title:

Catholic. Conservative. Republican. In that exact order.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year. New Transition.

Obama will be inaugurated in just a few days and it has become evident to many people, I called it months ago, that it seems the Clinton entourage will be once again, in the White House. Politics as usual? You are correct. Behind the euphemisms of Hope and Change, apparently even the media did not know what they meant. I do wish him success in the coming years, but not in passing liberal legislation such as "card check", "universal health care" and others. Right now we are in an economical bind which, if you will, I believe it had to do in large part with his being elected and with the ensuing economical downturn, the Democrats will continue to push the economy as the issue as to why Republicans are wrong for the country. With Obama as the poster-boy that so many feel will deliver them, they will believe it.

My opinion:

-Many of these short term solutions that Obama is offering, are not the answer. In an economic downturn or recession, people are uncertain as to how to go forward. Long-term solutions are the answer. For example-tax cuts. When President Bush pushed for tax cuts in his first term, he was providing for a new environment to spur investment, one that may calm the waves during an uncertain time like the recession that President Bush inherited. It offers a predictable playing field so to speak.

-In response the the infrastructure investment that is being proposed that would create jobs, we are talking about a jobs bubble. Another temporary fix to employ workers for jobs that will not last any longer than 3 years most likely.

-And last, green jobs. Some studies show that for every green job created, you lose a blue collar job. If you can produce X kW of electricity by utilizing wind or solar, then that is X less kW that will be produced by coal or older technologies.

Alright, there is my view on a few of the "obamanomics" proposals.