Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year. New Transition.

Obama will be inaugurated in just a few days and it has become evident to many people, I called it months ago, that it seems the Clinton entourage will be once again, in the White House. Politics as usual? You are correct. Behind the euphemisms of Hope and Change, apparently even the media did not know what they meant. I do wish him success in the coming years, but not in passing liberal legislation such as "card check", "universal health care" and others. Right now we are in an economical bind which, if you will, I believe it had to do in large part with his being elected and with the ensuing economical downturn, the Democrats will continue to push the economy as the issue as to why Republicans are wrong for the country. With Obama as the poster-boy that so many feel will deliver them, they will believe it.

My opinion:

-Many of these short term solutions that Obama is offering, are not the answer. In an economic downturn or recession, people are uncertain as to how to go forward. Long-term solutions are the answer. For example-tax cuts. When President Bush pushed for tax cuts in his first term, he was providing for a new environment to spur investment, one that may calm the waves during an uncertain time like the recession that President Bush inherited. It offers a predictable playing field so to speak.

-In response the the infrastructure investment that is being proposed that would create jobs, we are talking about a jobs bubble. Another temporary fix to employ workers for jobs that will not last any longer than 3 years most likely.

-And last, green jobs. Some studies show that for every green job created, you lose a blue collar job. If you can produce X kW of electricity by utilizing wind or solar, then that is X less kW that will be produced by coal or older technologies.

Alright, there is my view on a few of the "obamanomics" proposals.

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