Monday, January 12, 2009

Two for Today.

I went to the funeral of a great woman today. Her name was Becky Barton, a strong, God-fearing woman who gave more to others than she ever received. If you needed prayer, she would pray for you. If you needed something tangible, she would do whatever she could to make sure that you got what you needed, even if it meant that she would pull money from her savings because she knew that by her faith in God, she would get by. The  pastor who officiated the service told those in attendance that everyone would have to work a lot harder just to make up for what the world lost in Becky.

I told my buddy who’s Aunt she was that he should feel a little bit better knowing that he had his Aunt Becky on his side up there with God, rooting for him.

God Bless you Aunt Becky.


It is going to be a long year for Pope Benedict but the only meeting that I am interested in is the meeting that could possibly happen when then President Obama will travel to Italy for the G-8 and plans to make a stop in Vatican City. Being the faithful Catholic that I am and having read many of the works of His Holiness, I know Pope Benedict will make time to visit with President Obama because he is a man that will listen to other views. I am sure tag-along Joe Biden will see if he can get in on the meeting if it happens because he is a Catholic, well, a Democrat Catholic putting party before God. Why am I saying this? Well, Pro-Choice. Stem cell research which was recently a focus of one of the most recent documents released by the Vatican, Dignitas Personae, and of course the big one, abortion which is mentioned in Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical Evengelium Vitae which reaffirmed Pope Paul VI’s stance taken by The Church on abortion as “unchanged and unchangeable” in regards to the sanctity of life. To only be a fly on the wall when that meeting happens.

I think there needs to be a new classification of Catholics during the political season, like I mentioned above, Democrat Catholics and Catholics, the one’s who put God before politics and rhetoric and those who put politics ahead of God. Well they already have a name for those who pick and choose what to believe from The Church, they are Cafeteria Catholics.

Here’s my title:

Catholic. Conservative. Republican. In that exact order.

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