Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Republican backbone.

The Obama stimulus plan passed the House today with a 244-188 vote. The Republicans led by Rep. Boehner stood strong and all Republicans voted against it with another 11 Democrats voting against it. “Signs of life in the Republican party,” said Laura Ingram tonight on “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren”. I am already hearing the arguments though from the Pro-Obama media who are blaming the Republicans for not putting forth an effort of bi-partisanship. Did they miss something? Obama dismissed putting more tax cuts in the bill made by the GOP leaders, the insistence on the remarks made by the Congressional Budget Office that the stimulus package as it is, only 10% of it will be seen or dispensed in the next few months. Why vote for a stimulus that will not stimulate the economy now when supposedly it is most needed?

But, Barack has spoken, and the Democrats and media have fallen into step like loyal soldiers to do the will of the President, and we get to deal with the consequences whether we are for it or against it.


At least that is the consensus by the congressional Democrats and President Obama when he spoke to the Republicans on Friday. He warned “You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," this was said in the same meeting as the “I won” comment. With Obama’s comment and the congressional reaction to the President’s words, do you think that we are just one step closer to the fairness doctrine? 

Keep on trucking Rush, you know you are getting under their skin and doing something right when they talk bad about you.


Congressman Carter from my great state of Texas is proposing legislation that will eliminate all IRS penalties and interest. Good idea right? This is all based on the great Democrat Charles Rangel from New York. It is reported that he did not pay any penalties or interest in 2008 for over $10,000 that he owed in back taxes. Congressman Carter said that Rangel’s constituents should receive the same benefits that he get as a member of congress. “You shouldn’t be treated any differently under the law than your citizens back home,” Carter was quoted as saying.

I am glad that a Texas congressman is bringing to light this hypocrisy, but it will not get the publicity it needs. We have a Treasury Secretary who is a tax cheat; he got away with paying little in penalties or interest on taxes owed from over 5 years ago, people tried to bring up the fallacy in his actions but even Republicans were saying it was only a trivial matter. I hope that my fellow Texan succeeds. Although, not in passing this legislation because what will the IRS do when no one pays their taxes on time and the U.S. Treasury is empty to pay for this great stimulus that our country needs (sarcasm), I hope it brings to light the idea of a double standard when it is the citizens who have to pay penalties and interest and the congressman and Treasury Secretary who do not. Since we are the ones who are already paying their salaries and they have the audacity to get further special treatment…To take a phrase from my friend Donald Trump—Charlie Rangel and Tim Geithner: YOU’RE FIRED!

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